The Beautiful Storm- Hungry Star

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Hungry Star by The Beautiful Storm
A new band formed in 2022, The Beautiful Storm features Tabla maestro Gyan Singh from Delhi, India, and Guitar virtuoso Graeme Stephen from Aberdeen, Scotland, both long-term collaborators with Phil. This recording of new compositions and improvisations was made in October 2022 in 'Ringo' barn at Phil's farm. The recordings are as yet not properly mixed, but the natural acoustic in Ringo is so beautiful, we think it already sounds quite lovely. Let's see if you agree?

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Beautiful Storm Impro 1
Tipping Point
Heart In Mouth
insect Love
Beautiful Storm- Impro 2
Hungry Star
She's Alive
DocumentAbout The Beautiful Storm FD .pdf

Tipping Point- Video- Rough Cut


Phil Bancroft - The Beautiful Storm- Hungry Star

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