Earth Star Playlist

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This playlist provides another examination of the meeting of freedom and structure- a common theme in Phil's music. Improvisation with no pre-conceived context, against improvisation within harmonic sequences, or pre-composed melodic statements. The first and last track come from collaborations with Indian Tabla virtuoso Gyan Singh, the first in duo, the second 'Hungry Star' in trio with Graeme Stephen, from the forthcoming album of the same name from Phil's new band "The Beautiful Storm'.
In between there are tracks from a free improv Sax Quartet lead by Martin Speake, featuring Martin Hathaway and Tony Kofi. An album of music recorded 20 years ago will be released next year on Discus records. Kinchieburn is a track from the recent Qt album, Degrees of Freedom, and a solo free improv track form the album Testimony, slated for release next year. We hope you enjoy this diverse selection.

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Birth and Death
09 The Kinchieburn
Inverted Earth
Testimony Parts 2 and 3
Hungry Star

Earth Star Playlist Movie 1


Phil Bancroft - Earth Star Playlist

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