Red Heart Sunset Playlist

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This playlist starts with Love for Sale- a famous classic from Phil's Standards Trio, recorded live during lockdown in 2021. Come and check out Phil's Standards Trio performing at the Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival on 21st July. The playlist goes on to feature tracks from Trio AAB, Phil's International Quartet, Paul Harrison's Sugarwork, and a first glimpseof music from his solo improvised saxophone suite, Testimony. Check out the beautiful track Sunset Over Loch Indaal- from Colin Steele's celebrated group Stramash- which is being reformed for a reunion concert at The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival on the 15th July. And Heart In Mouth is the first airing of music from Phil's new band, The Beautiful Storm- recorded last October, which features tabla virtuoso Gyan Singh, and Scotland's own Graeme Stephen. Please take some time out to listen and enjoy! Photography by Rob Bruce.

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DocumentAbout 'Red Heart Sunset' Playlist
Love For Sale
Sunset Over Loch Indaal
Red Cow Flying
Heart In Mouth
Spiral Confection
Testimony Part 4
Pay Some Fucking Attention


Phil Bancroft - Red Heart Sunset Playlist

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